Monday, March 31, 2014

If I knew I would not fail, I would . . .

If I knew I would not fail, If I knew I COULD NOT FAIL, I would go to a bank and get a CHUNKY loan.  With that loan, I would finish off my shop and purchase enough oils and fragrances, and colors and equipment to keep me going in soap making for a year.  I would sign up for EVERY SINGLE CRAFT SHOW WITHIN A 200 MILE RADIUS and I would make soap EVERY SINGLE DAY.  I wouldn't worry about failing.  It wouldn't even be a consideration because I WOULD KNOW I COULDN'T FAIL.  I would stop worrying and start enjoying more of my business.  I would have fun!  I would learn to believe in myself.  I wouldn't get anxious if I didn't sell every day because I would already know that I wasn't going to fail.  I would try even more new things.  New molds, new fragrances, new bold colors and new techniques without fear.  I wouldn't feel like I had to try to be as good as the next soap maker, and I wouldn't think I needed to do everything just like someone else did because THEY ARE ALREADY SUCCESSFUL SO THEY MUST KNOW WHAT WORKS AND IF I FOLLOW THEIR LEAD I WILL BE SUCCESSFUL.  I would realize that I am successful just by doing what I do.  People who use my soaps love my soaps.  Making soap unique to you is what it's all about.  Not copying someone else.  I AM MRS. FINNEGAN'S FINEST SOAPS!

UNFORTUNATELY, knowing I WILL NOT FAIL isn't that easy.  It's more than just wanting to believe it.  It's knowing in my heart that as a Child of God, as a Daughter of THE KING, I can and will be successful.  It's a matter of faith.  It's BELIEVING ENOUGH and some days, no matter how hard I try, sometimes I just don't believe in myself enough.  There are the small voices in my head saying "what makes you think you can be successful? "you have failed at everything you try, why try again?"  There are the voices from people who say "you are wasting money on this stupid business when you aren't making money and you are spending money"  

Just because I hear those voices doesn't mean they are right.  It means I need to work harder to prove them WRONG.  It means I have to work harder to PROVE TO MYSELF THAT I CAN AND WILL SUCCEED!!!  



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